Red Kite

The Red Kite (Milvus milvus) is a medium-sized raptor (L 60 cm), bigger and paler than Black Kite (Milvus migrans) with deeply forked tail. The body, upper tail and wing coverts are rufous. The white primary flight feathers contrast with the black wing tips and dark secondaries. Apart from the weight difference, the sexes are similar, but juveniles have a buff breast and belly. Its call is a thin piping sound, similar to but less mewling than the common buzzard.
The species breeds in broadleaf woodlands and forests, mixed with farmland, pasture and heathland, to 2,500 m in Morocco (del Hoyo et al. 1994). In winter it also occupies wasteland, scrub and wetlands. Formerly an urban scavenger, it still visits the edges of towns and cities. It takes a wide range of food, but feeds mainly on carrion and small to medium-sized mammals and birds. Reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates are less important prey.
Population and Distribution
The European (EU27) breeding population is estimated at 29.746 to 34.751 pairs in 17 countries. A new global estimate of the red kite population shows a population of 33,500 to 39,000 breeding pairs, of which only 0 to 5 breeding pairs are not in Europe but in Morocco (Africa) (Aebischer & Scherler, 2021). The majority of their population is in Germany (12,000 to 18,000), Spain (3,810 to 4,150), and France (2,335 to 3,022). The worldwide population is thus estimated at 60,000 to 70,000 mature individuals (BirdLife International. In prep.).
The Red Kite is endemic to the western Palearctic, with the European population encompassing 95% of its global breeding range. Most birds in north-east Europe are migratory, wintering mainly in southern France and Iberia, but with some travelling as far as Africa (del Hoyo et al. 1994). Migrants travel south from their breeding grounds between August and November, returning between February and April (Snow and Perrins 1998).
Population Trend
It is estimated that by 2012, the European population had decreased by almost 30% in the previous 34.5 years (three generations). The status of the red kite in the Article 12 Report and the IUCN Red List from 2015 was "near threatened (NT)" (BirdLife International 2015). In the latest "IUCN red list", the red kite is classified as not endangered (LC-Least Concern) worldwide (BirdLife International 2021).
The breeding population trend in the EU27 is Stable in the short term and Decreasing in the long term. The winter population trend in the EU27 is Decreasing in the short term and Decreasing in the long term. An EU species action plan for the Red Kite was published in 2009 (Knott et al. 2009). National species action plans are in place in Germany (Hesse), France, the Balearic Islands and Denmark, and a draft national action plan is in place in Portugal.
The most pertinent threat to this species is illegal direct poisoning to kill predators of livestock and game animals (targetting foxes, wolves, corvids etc.) and indirect poisoning from pesticides and secondary poisoning from consumption of poisoned rodents by rodenticides spread on farmland to control vole plagues, particularly in the wintering ranges in France and Spain, where it is driving rapid population declines (Aebischer in litt. 2009); there is a strong correlation between rapid declines and those populations that winter in Spain (Carter 2007). The Spanish government released more than 1,500 tons of rodenticide-treated baits over about 500,000 ha to fight against a common vole plague in agricultural lands between August 2007 and April 2008; records of Red Kites dying by secondary poisoning in treated areas resulted (Vinuela in litt. 2009). Illegal poisoning is also a serious threat to the species in north Scotland, with 40% of birds found dead between 1989 and 2006 having been killed by poisoning (Smart et al. 2010). In France populations disappeared at the same rate as conversion from grasslands to cereal crops (Tourret in litt. 2009). The decline of grazing livestock and farming intensification leading to chemical pollution, homogenization of landscapes and ecological impoverishment also threatens the species (Knott et al. 2009). Other threats include any form of raptor persecution such as hunting, trapping (Mionnet 2007, P. Tourret in Ref. 2009) and egg gathering (on a local scale). Other causes of death include collisions with road and rail traffic, wind turbines, and collisions with power lines and pylons (Duchamp 2003, Mammen et al. 2009, P. Tourret in ref. 2009, Mionnet 2007).
Aebischer, A. 2009. Der Rotmilan – ein faszinierender Greifvogel. Haupt Verlag, Bern.
Aebischer A. 2009. Distribution and recent population changes of the Red Kite in the Western Palaearctic – results of a recent comprehensive inquiry, Red Kite International symposium - October 17th & 18th 2009
Aebischer, A., & Scherler, P. (2021). Der Rotmilan. Ein Greifvogel im Aufwind. Haupt, ISBN: 978-3-258-08249-3, November 2021.
BirdLife International. 2015. European Red List of Birds. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
BirdLife International 2018. Milvus milvus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T22695072A131877336.
BirdLife International 2021. Species factsheet: Milvus milvus. Downloaded from on 23/01/2021.
BirdLife International. (In prep.). European Red List of Birds. Deliverable to the European Commission (DG Environment) in 2021 under Service Contract ENV.D.3/SER/2018/0018.
Cardiel, I. and Viñuela, J. 2007. The Red Kite in Spain: distribution, recent population trends, and current threats.
Carter, N. 2007. Lark Rise Farm, Barton, Cambs (Plot 1571) the Countryside Restoration Trust report on breeding birds 2005. BTO Research Report 482: 1-17
Del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A.; Sargatal, J. 1994. Handbook of the Birds of the World, vol. 2: New World Vultures to Guineafowl. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, Spain
Duchamp, M. 2003. Birds and windfarms.
Dürr T., Langgemach T. 2021. Informationen über Einflüsse der Windenergienutzung auf Vögel. (
Ferguson-Lees, J. and Christie, D.A. 2001. Raptors of the world. Christopher Helm, London.
Knott, J, Newbery P., and Barov B. (2009). Action plan for the red kite Milvus milvus in the European Union, 55 p. ISSN (…)
Mammen, U., Mammen, K., Kratzsch, L. and Resetaritz, A. 2009. Interactions of Red Kites and wind farms in Germany: results of radio telemetry and field observations. In: David, F. (ed.), Red Kite International symposium, pp. 100-105. Montbéliard, France.
Mionnet, A. 2007. Red Kite in France: distribution, population development, threats.
Smart, J., Amar, A., Sim, I.M.W., Etheridge, B., Cameron, D., Christie, G. and Wilson, J.D. 2010. Illegal killing slows population recovery of a re-introduced raptor of high conservation concern - the Red Kite Milvus milvus. Biological Conservation 143(5): 1278-1286
Snow, D.W.; Perrins, C.M. 1998. The Birds of the Western Palearctic, Volume 1: Non-Passerines. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
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