Central European Society for Raptor Protection (MEGEG)
The implementation of projects using modern technologies, such as satellite tracking, should also make a significant contribution to the research of birds of prey. The focus is on studies on the use of space and the mortality factors in birds of prey in order to be able to make concrete statements on the influence of, for example, infrastructure facilities (overhead lines, wind turbines, ...) as well as illegal persecution (poisoning, shooting, ...) based on scientifically sound results. The society is intended to serve in particular for the networking of people and institutions in Central Europe that have already been and will continue to be involved in the topic of birds of prey, but also beyond. Therefore, a scientific advisory board, which includes persons from various scientific institutions or organizations from the whole of Central Europe, is part of the society. The society will not only implement the planned LIFE project, but also contribute in the future as a cross-border society for the conservation of birds of prey in Central Europe or throughout Europe through the implementation of larger cross-border projects. The chairman of the society has experience in implementing LIFE projects, as he is also the chair of the Austrian Society for the protection of Great Bustard (ÖGG). Under his supervision two LIFE projects were already successfully finalised, and one LIFE project is currently going on.
TB Raab
The Technical Office for Biology Raab (TB Raab Ltd.) was commissioned to implement the LIFE EUROKITE project after a pan-European public tender. The TB Raab has been supporting the state of Lower Austria and Burgenland for many years in the implementation of the two Natura 2000 guidelines (Habitats Directive and bird protection guidelines) within the framework of species conservation projects, management plans, risk analyzes and seminars. Mag. Dr. Rainer Raab also acts as an expert witness for courts and authorities of counties and federal states. The focus of the office includes species conservation projects (including Great Bustard, Stone Curlew, Red Kite, ..), assessments for wind farms and high-voltage power line projects, telemetry studies for analyzing the use of space and habitats by birds, management plans for Natura 2000 areas, nature impact assessment and technical contributions to environmental impact assessments. The targeted animal species include not only birds but also insects (dragonflies, butterflies ...), amphibians, reptiles and mammals (bat, ground squirrel, hamster, steppe mouse, ...).