Mitteleuropäische Gesellschaft zur Erhaltung der Greifvögel (MEGEG)
Publication of the book „Der Rotmilan in Europa - Erfolgreicher Schutz auf internationaler Ebene"
(The Red Kite in Europe - Successful protection at international level)
Hainburg an der Donau. On May 24th, 2022, during the Austrian Power Grid AG (APG) symposium "Sustainable habitat management - Biodiversity and Species Protection on power lines", the book "The Red Kite in Europe - Successful Protection at international level" was published.
In addition to a large number of fantastic pictures, the book offers the reader background information on the red kite, its habitat and distribution as well as its main threats. There are many different conservation efforts for the red kite across Europe. In addition to governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations, there are numerous smaller and larger projects to protect the red kite and other raptor species. The international statements by organizations and scientists in the book show the meaning and importance of cross-border cooperation between all different interest groups.
The costs for image fees, parts of the text creation and the entire printing costs were financed by Austrian Power Grid AG (APG). Parts of the text were created as part of the LIFE EUROKITE project (LIFE18 NAT/ AT/000048), which is funded 60% from the LIFE Nature Fund. APG will provide a total of 1,500 copies for stakeholders to the LIFE EUROKITE project.
Publication of the book "Der Rotmilan in Europa - Erfolgreicher Schutz auf internationaler Ebene" during the Austrian Power Grid AG (APG) symposium "Sustainable habitat management - Biodiversity and Species Protection on power lines" on 24th of May 2022 in Hainburg (Austria). From left to right: Biologist Rainer Raab (author), Sven Abele (autor; APG), nature photographer Franz Kovacs (author), biologist Hannah Böing (author), Wolfgang Hafner (APG). Photo: APG/Markus Virgolini
Handover of the red kite book in the following days (from left to right) to Angelo Salsi (Head of LIFE Unit - EASME) and Juraj Droba (President of the Bratislava Region) by Mag. Dr. Rainer Raab (right).
Press release Austrian Power Grid (APG) "Habitat management" (German)
Link to the book "Der Rotmilan in Europa - Erfolgreicher Schutz auf internationaler Ebene"